Wednesday, March 21, 2007 

I hope you all know who Mitt Romney is.

As you may know also, who will be the next president of the United States is a matter al practically the whole world, specially if you live in the US or any other country that lives under its influence, such as mine.

Carlos H. Echevarría (please, notice that is not the same last name as mine) is a Spaniard blogger who writes about the road all candidates are walking towards the Oval room in his blog USAmerica Vota '08. He posted yesterday this (it is my translation, though):
Imagine the scene. Mitt Romney talks to an aroused crowd in Florida. They are exiliated Cubans, one of the most loyal Republican gruops of all America. How primaries may go in that state, depend moslty on them. The enthusiasm is growing while the candidate use all his anti-communist repertoire. The audience is clapping and screaming when Romney shouts in his clumpsy Spanish: "¡Patria o Muerte, venceremos!". Then, silence. Dead silence.

Every candidate try to mumble in Spanish to get the Latin community to like him, but using the same frase Fidel Castro uses to finish every speech for 30 years... it is suicide; it is the maximum anti-climax one might have. They would forgive him pronouncing wrong every last name of the politicians who were there with him, but this was too much.

I believe hioe next stop was a Juwish meeting where he is going to finish: "Deutschland über alles". Don't mess with the spanish, Mitt.
Funny, but not so much if one may actually wants him for President.



citizen's juornalism (in spanish)

  • El Morrocotudo - XV región de Arica y Parinacota, Chile | In Spanish
  • El Observatodo - IV región de Coquimbo, Chile | In Spanish
  • El Rancahuaso - VI región de O'Higgins, Chile | In Spanish
  • El aMaule - VII región del Maule, Chile | In Spanish

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