Monday, April 23, 2007 

In a Chilean newspaper, about two weeks ago, I read about one of the most stupid things I have heared in a while: the sentimental mile.

This concept means that one hundred deaths (one regular day in Bagdad) 10.000 miles away (those that separate Santiago and Iraq) worth less (use less space) that only one death in the city where the newspapers is published.

Like that, we all know what happened at Virginia Tech last Tuesday.

Then, this idea of the sentimental mile came back to me: 32 killed in an American university means a massacre, while dozens of casualties per day in Iraq sine 2003, come and go as easy as our every morning cup of coffee...

Friday, April 06, 2007 

That is the web 2.0, people talking all arround the world knowing no such limits as geography or politics, just language.

Blogs are written in text, like this one, some others are posted on photos. There's also podcasting and, of course: videos.

Videoblogging is one of those things I never imagine as a child, although I did imagine videophones, but publishing videos for free and through your video make a point, and get responses to that on video... well, it is amazing.

Here is an example. Two videos. Watch the first one first:

Now, watch the second one:

What do you think?

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citizen's juornalism (in spanish)

  • El Morrocotudo - XV región de Arica y Parinacota, Chile | In Spanish
  • El Observatodo - IV región de Coquimbo, Chile | In Spanish
  • El Rancahuaso - VI región de O'Higgins, Chile | In Spanish
  • El aMaule - VII región del Maule, Chile | In Spanish

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